Why did I choose Copywriting as a career?

Iqra Malik
2 min readMay 18, 2022


After completing my graduation,

I was free what to do next.

Either Job Or Rest at home

Then I landed on Facebook after scrolling for an hour.

I was shocked. Is that possible, I mean what I am doing till now in content writing was a piece of cake??

There's a whole cake inside this skill…

You might be wondering what's that??

I am sure your ears would buck up instantly,

Your face will scrunch up in confusion,

And then your mouth will top off It all up by saying;

What's that?

Yeah that's Copywriting

Copywriting makes you independent financially and mentally.

You can earn Million of dollars from this skill.

What have I come to know about Copywriting skills?

It improves your writing skills, you can research for hours and hours and hours to make it a perfect piece with lots of research.

Below are the things you need to consider and improve writing your master COPY

Strong writing skills. ...

Communication skills. ...

Technical skills. ...

Creative thinking. ...

Problem-solving skills. ...

Interpersonal skills. ...

Research skills. ...

Develop strong writing skills.

P.S these are a few skills that I think one should grab tightly to be among the top writers.




Iqra Malik

I am here to provide you original and engaging content. I am very committed and comprehend and know the importance of quality content.